Monday 15 July 2013

The Reason Behind The Name.....

In the previous post ( or was it the one before that? ) i said that i would explain why we called my cat Sandwich. The reason i want to explain this is because most people probably think that its really weird and not something you call a pet. We had a cat before Sandwich, his name was Foma, ( seems like all your pets names are weird.... is probably what your thinking.... ) but only our cats have such interesting name :) Anyways, Foma he was an outdoor cat ( i'm trying to think of a way to make this sound less sappy/ cheesy which ever you prefer ) and he was already getting kind of old, and one day he just never came back..... We still have many pets in our house ( 130 pound dog, two big nosed ferrets ) but it didn't really feel the same as before.... ( ok, i agree, that sounded really depressing... ) so we decided to get another cat!!!!!! ( if i didn't want to talk in third person i would have put a sarcastic comment here... ) My dad found a lady giving away here cat because her son was allergic to cats ( or something along those lines ) When we went to pick him, he was very, VERY quite.... he was also calm...... the women told us that his name was Scooter ( here it come.... the moment of truth.... ) wait, lets back peddle a little.... SO my family is Russian ( cool right???!!! ) and we talk Russian at home, now we can peddle back forward........ so the first thing my mom whispered to me ( in Russian ) was, "Sandwich"..... first i thought she wanted a sandwich, but then if you think it through a bit..... if you change the "Sc" in Scooter, with a "B" and try saying it with a Russian accent, or if your Russian saying it in Russian should do just fine as well.... you get "Sandwich" in Russian ( IT'S A MIRACLE!!!! AND WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WHERE CRAZY FOR A CALLING YOUR CAT A SANDWICH!!!

 sorry... i had to put in a sarcastic comment for myself..... i'm not crazy, i just had too!!!! ) So there you have it folks, the reason we call my cat a Sandwich...... One more funny story about him.... When we first brought him home with us, he would not get out of the closet in my mom's office. we had to put his food and water dish inside the closet and he came out 2 or 3 times a day to go to the bathroom.... and what do you know.... now he is a supper spoiled, only certain type of yogurt, eating cat.... no really, the only time he's quite and not walking around the house meowing is when he's sleeping..... the only thing he's good for is cuddling and taking pictures of...
I took this picture yesterday.
 We have a two-story deck and he loves to sit outside on the second level. We usually keep the door on to it open to let the cool air in and so that Sandwich can go outside. One time i was upstairs and it was already dark outside, and the door was still open ( this was around like 10 PM ) so i went to close it but it was too dark and i didn't see that Sandwich was still on the deck, so i closed the door.
At around 1ish ( 1 AM ) when everybody was already going to bed ( it was a weekend) My mom was trying to find Sandwich...... After fliping the whole house upside down, we decided to check the deck..... Sandwich had spent about 4 hours outside.... It was quite funny, but he was mad at me for a bit.....

Alarm clocks: because every morning should begin with a heart attack....

Thanks for reading and smile all day :)

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