Wednesday 24 July 2013

The Lily Files

And hello once more :) Sorry for not posting anything for a long time. I have a lot of pictures i want to share with you all but i'm just too lazy! I have lots of time, and enough pictures to post something everyday, but i like to sleep in ( broke my record by the way, now it's 2 PM) and then just walk around the house doing nothing for a couple of hours :) Last weekend we had a festival here. It is a festival dedicated to Lily's. Not far out of town there is something i guess you could call a lily farm. They have over 100 different types of lily's there. My favorite ones where the big ones, and when i say BIG i mean they were bigger than my hand... I decided it would be cool to go down there and take some picture.

( you can click the photos to enlarge them)

This was the first time i have ever seen a black lily! It kind of reminded me of a star in the night sky. The little yellow dot in the middle was the star and the black/purplish petals were the night sky.

This picture i like because the focus was on the yellow lily that was closer, but you could still see the orange one in the back round.

Why hello there Mr. Bee :)

Polka dots! Polka dots!

Thanks for reading and please check back soon for more :)

Quote of the Day
Everyone is trying to accomplish something big,
 not realizing that life is made up of little thing.

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