Monday 15 July 2013

A Little Peak Outside

It really amazing how many cool looking pictures you can take not leaving your own lawn. All these pictures where taken outside of my house ( No really? ) I usually go out every couple of weeks and see if anything new has happened. Its quite amazing how many things actually DID change. I may take a picture of something i already took before, but if you put them side by side they still will look really different. I can't really think of anything else smart to say.....
These pictures were taken after it rained. about this first picture, i really like it because....
( *gets out thesaurus* )
this statue ( or whatever you want to call it ) looks very "prepossessing" because you see every little indent :)

I like the texture o the wood in this one.

If you click the image you can see the little yellow dots the make up the yellow middle of the flower.

And if you click to enlarge this one, on one of the petals on the left side you can see a water droplet.

If you look at the previous posts you will see a similar photo except it is in the snow

Once again a quote...
If the people in horror movies listened to me, they would still be alive.

Just like watching sports on the TV.... 

Everybody who read this post must now smile and be happy for the rest of the day! If i found out one of you frowned, i will find you, and i will tickle you until you smile!!!
You have been warned.....
Thanks for reading! 

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