Monday, 8 July 2013

Snow Days

I am absolutely lazy! I have two months off from school ( like most people still in school ) and i am like a bear. Most bears sleep during the winter time though, but not me! I like to catch up on my sleeping during the summer time when it is too hot to go outside. That may be the only reason that i like summer. My favorite seasons are fall and winter. ( also spring, considering the years when we actually have one. This year it snowed in May..... so, you know.....) I like taking pictures during the winter time because everything just looks so calm. ( not counting the occasional big dog wrestling you to the ground. which most of the time is fun :) ) Back to the fact that i'm lazy and like to sleep in ( my record is 1: 15 PM... still trying to break it everyday....) those two would be the main reason that i haven't posted anything in a couple of days. I have taken some fresher pictures but when i was sorting my pictures on my laptop i stumbled across some of the pictures i took when it snowed in May! And yes you did read that correctly... it snowed in May....

This here is my dog. Her name is Ivy and she is a Black Russian Terrier! That thing she is chewing on is a wheel. The wheel is almost the size of my head... i'll leave you think about that for a bit.... i'll be waiting at the next picture for you...

Ivy is a VERY smart dog. Did you know that Black Russian Terriers where originally bred as guard dogs? Well now you know! She is very stubborn at times( ask my mom, she'll tell that that fact is 100% true ) but she really is a big cuddly teddy bear.  

All the pictures are from the snow storm in May, and sense it was already kind of warm the snow stuck to all the needles of the pine tree which i found quite interesting :)
( you can click the photos to enlarge them )

The snow also stuck to all the branches of the trees. The town i live in has lots of trees and they are really old, so they kind of create a sort of canopy over the streets. That day was really pretty because it looked like the whole town was just covered with powdered sugar :P 

This is a close up picture of the pine needles. Isn't it just beautiful?

This is what i was trying to explain in the other picture. sorry for the bumper of the car, and the sign in the picture. but it still looks nice doesn't it?

1 O'clock  Quote!
( This was posted at 1 in the morning...
I couldn't sleep, ok!?)

That awkward moment when a package says "easy open" but you end up using scissors, a knife, a hammer, a gun and a light saber to open it.

Thanks for reading and if i don't post something some days, please come back again later that night ( im a vampire... i like to post things at night) or the next day :) and keep checking back each day like that  and i'll be the happiest person alive:) 

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