Sunday 30 June 2013


Hi! sorry for not posting anything yesterday :( I didn't have any inspiration of what to take pictures of...
But! Today is a special! As i mentioned in a previous post, I live in an old Victorian style house. Today was the day that the house has officially become 120 years old! We decided to celebrate so my parents bought a cake, champagne for them, and as for me i just drank juice ( I am a proper young child :P )

Friday 28 June 2013

Leafs and Chips

Good evening, ladies and gentleman :) This evening we will be showing you two more photo! I should probably post more than two each time, but not all of the pictures turn out nice. About an hour ago we went to a buffet. That buffet had sushi. Me + Sushi = Sushi gone in less than 2 minutes. I LOVE SUSHI! I ate big plate of sushi and am stuffed to the ears! So, you know, you guys should be proud of me. I ate a whole plate of sushi yet I still went out side to take pictures. You should feel special!
I found some of those thin chips ( the ones called Hickory Sticks or something ) and remembering my love for sushi wrote this note.
Here's another one but from a different angle.
Sometimes i hate how when you take a picture but it doesn't turn out the way you imagined it in your head :( 
This is one of those times. I guess the picture turned out OK but i think i could have taken a better one.

"My friend was being smart. He said that onions are the only food that make you cry. So i threw a coconut at his face."
I personally would be very scared to have a friend like this... but i still like the quote :P
Thanks for reading and come again.

Flying Fabric

I decided that I would try something new today. So, like always when i'm trying to think of something creative to take a picture of, i usually stare at something and think. So here I am sitting on the couch in my mom's office and staring, when she walks in front of the wall i'm staring at with something she was sewing. My mom's a professional seamstress :) Yay! Go mom!!! And that was when my  amazing thought struck me!  My LA teacher would kill me if she saw how many exclamation marks i'm using in this paragraph... Like any seamstress she has a special room dedicated to keeping fabric. So i'm like, Hey! why not throw fabric in the air and take pictures of it!? And that is how my amazing idea was born! Most of the pictures turned out blurry because I didn't have the right settings on my camera turned on :P I only realized they turned out kind of crappy when I uploaded then om to my laptop. Here are the two photos that I liked the most and aren't some what blurry :)
Here I decided to try out monochrome. I like the picture, but i must agree it is kind of hard to see the fabric :) But i like it.
This one is also kind of blurred, but I like the shape the fabric took while falling.
Look at! i'm all fabric this fabric that! lol

"So you say tomatoes are a berry? Does that make ketchup jam then?"
A quote that say the whole truth!
Thanks for reading, and come back tomorrow for more pictures  =)

Thursday 27 June 2013

Rain Drops

So, it rained again yesterday... but this time my dad held the umbrella for me and I was able to take some cool photos without getting my camera wet with rain! They aren't the best quality, but I think they're pretty cool :) Next time it rains i'll try the same thing except with a different lens.
I had to crop the pictures a bit so you could see the splash better.
And this one here I like because you can see all the little rain drops :P
And they actually are rain drops, and not water spot the camera lens...

"Books...they kill the idiot in you."
I like this quote a lot because I read LOTS of books! My classmates think that it's stupid, and it doesn't teach you anything at all...that's what they said until the teacher gave them a vocabulary test... :)

Thanks for reading, and please share my blog with other people! I've actually had people from France, Algeria, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, and the Netherlands come on my blog! Isn't that SO cool!!??

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Thunder Storm

Yesterday we had a HUGE thunderstorm. It was really foggy and the rain drops were huge. There was lots of lightning ( no really??) and you could actually feel the thunder.
This picture isn't mine, but it shows how cool the sky was yesterday. I would have taken pictures yesterday, but the rain was just like a wall of water. Seems like the storm actually came back today to :) I can hear he thunder...

"Some people just need a high-five in the face...with a brick."
Another cool quote, and thanks for reading :)


     Maybe you have all ready noticed, or maybe you haven't... but this morning afternoon when I woke... well more like my dad woke me up....anyways not the point, my dad kept on bugging me that my blog didn't have  a "follow" button so that people would know when I posted something new :)

    While i was changing that I decided that I might as well change the lay out of the blog a bit. After doing that, I had no idea of what I was going to post today. So I picked up my camera and just randomly walked around the house. We live in an old Victorian 3 story house that is 120 years old. You would have thought that there would be lots of things to take pictures of....nope, sense we are slowly remodeling the inside, the house is kind of messy. But then I walked in to my room!! Story Time!!

     Last summer me and my dad went to Toronto. We stayed with some of his close friends. They have a daughter who is somewhere around 20- 21, and she took me to Canada's Wonderland! For those of you who have never heard of it, it is kind of like Disney Land except smaller, but still pretty big :P We spent 12 whole hours there, 11 A.M to 11 P.M. Like any sort of amusement park, there where booths where you payed money and you could play a game and win something. So I was pretty daring and decided to try ring toss.( Basically you had to throw little rings and try to get them on a neck of a bottle) We spent about 20-30 dollars there and.... I GOT A RING ON A BOTTLE!!! The prize was a big Pillow Pet ( please google if you don't know what the heck a pillow pet is..) We ended up carrying it in a big plastic bag for the rest of the day...

    Here are some pictures of....
That's just he head people :)
That there is my mom's hand....

I have a twin sized bed, and when that things is unfolded it covers most of it. 
I love all kinds of quotes , so here's another one...
Don't judge me because I'm quite.
Nobody plans a murder out loud...
Thanks for reading, and hopefully I'll think of something more creative for the next post :)
(The Blog...not actually me)

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Sandwich the Cat

This here is my cat. His name is Sandwich as i mentioned in the first post. He loves the camera very much, and is very photogenic. He eats yogurt, but there's only a certain type he eats. And he always seems to find the weirdest places to sleep. Like yesterday evening he found a very comfortable puzzle box to lay in and watch tv .
The picture is kind of blurry because it was already getting dark outside and there wasn't enough light. 

This morning I found the sweater my mom made for him during the winter time. He isn't a great fan of it because he likes to walk around a lot. Even though, the whole family loves to see him in it.
This picture here is of him showing off the striped sweater, and also showing off his VERY talkative personality. He must have been some sort of salesman in his past life...
And this was the face he made when I didn't give him a plate of his precious yogurt :P
He decided to just ignore me for the rest of the time. I actually didn't mind the no talking part :)

Here's another quote by the way:
Let's eat grandma.
Let's eat , grandma
Grammar, saving lives sense the time it was created.

Thanks for reading, and hope the pictures of the sassy cat lifted your mood up a notch :) 

Quotes of the Day :P

I have 3 quotes that I absolutely love! I decided to write them down and take pictures of them. Not very creative, but I still think that the pictures turned out pretty cool. I have something funny planed for the next post though.
On my list  this one is my all time  favorite!
And this one is for everybody out there who doesn't like raisins and has been fooled by raisin cookies :)

I would post the third one but the picture didn't turn out so well :(
But I still love the quote so here it is...

I hate when people see me in the super market and are all like:
"hey what are you doing here?"
and i'm like:
"oh you know hunting elephants" 

Thanks for reading, and i'll be posting the next pictures sometime in the next few days.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Hey People :)

This blog is about photography. That first sentence was for those who haven't figured it out yet :)
The pictures in my blog will mostly be animals,landscape, and sometimes people. Here are a few examples...
  This fuzzy looking fellow is Sandwich, and yes, you read that right. This adorable cat's name is Sandwich and he is my #1 model :P Most of the time when he see's me sneaking up to him with a camera, he usually flops down onto his stomach though...
This big nosed creature is Phil. He is just the most annoying, yet adorable ferret on earth. How can you not look at that face and not fall in love?

I created this blog just because I wanted to share some of the many photos I take. I hope you enjoy, and thanks for visiting :)