Saturday 10 August 2013

Sorry :P

Hello people :) I'm very sorry for not posting anything for a long time. I've been trying to come up with something creative, so that I wasn't just taking pictures of the same things over and over again. For now how about you look at these.....

My cat likes to cuddle on the coach with us :P
The picture aren't the best, but they still are adorable.

Monday 29 July 2013

How to wake someone up....

I spent at least 5 minutes trying to think of something to call this post..... so these are some of the pictures i took today too. Sometimes it really amazes me how smart animals are....not that i thought they where stupid.....well... some small dogs are......
well, this is the picture that the post was named after....can't get somebody to get up in the morning??? simple stand on them :) In this picture Daisy is standing on top of Phil. Just so you know... Phil is the light brown, curled up, adorable fuzzy thing laying in the background.....

Summer Rain........Again

This year, our summer has been really rainy. Unlike last year that was hot and dry. Today it rained.....again....and i decided that i wouldn't let such a day go by for nothing! I got my mom to hold an umbrella for me so i could take pictures outside and not get my camera wet.
These are raindrops on a window on our second floor.

Daily Ferret

Phil and Daisy ( the ferrets ) have this big hammock in their cage that they love to sleep in. Now that it's summer time we usually keep the door on to our deck open to let some air in. On those days Phil and Daisy like to stretch out on their backs in the hammock and let the breeze tickle their tummies :P
That there is Daisy. Sadly Phil didn't make it in to this picture because he was relaxing somewhere else :P 

Sunday 28 July 2013

Writing on Tree Leafs

So a couple of weeks ago i was taking all the paper out of my school binders, and giving all the pens and stuff I didn't need to my mom ( she always seems to have a lack of pencils in her office... ) and in that big pile of stuff i found one of those jumbo sized sharpies! That sharpie was my inspiration for these pictures. Yes, even a sharpie can be inspirational....
cool idea right? 

Paper Dragons

Last week i decided to try origami! So, me being the person that i am, instead of going and starting off with the easiest and working my way up, i decided to go and try folding something harder right of the bat :) and guess what!!?? It actually work! YouTube, it is has many things uploaded on it, and many of which are origami tutorials! ( your welcome :) i just gave you an excuse for not buying a book on how to fold origami! )
So i'm just sitting there scrolling through, and boom! i found how to fold a dragon..... 

isn't it beautiful?! I most defiantly like it :)

 One quote for you!
Enjoy life, there's plenty of time to be dead :)

Wednesday 24 July 2013

The Lily Files

And hello once more :) Sorry for not posting anything for a long time. I have a lot of pictures i want to share with you all but i'm just too lazy! I have lots of time, and enough pictures to post something everyday, but i like to sleep in ( broke my record by the way, now it's 2 PM) and then just walk around the house doing nothing for a couple of hours :) Last weekend we had a festival here. It is a festival dedicated to Lily's. Not far out of town there is something i guess you could call a lily farm. They have over 100 different types of lily's there. My favorite ones where the big ones, and when i say BIG i mean they were bigger than my hand... I decided it would be cool to go down there and take some picture.